The vineyards we use reflect our story – initially grapes were sourced from the Sydney markets, which were supplied by Greek expat growers in the Riverland. Our relationship with growers in the Riverland today represents this initial chapter of Aristotelis Ke Anthoula.
Later, when Aristotelis and Anthoula relocated to regional NSW in 2014, relationships with growers closer to home were established, including vineyards in Murrumbateman, Hilltops, Goulburn, Gundagai, Griffith and the Southern Highlands.
Since 2020, we've been tending to vines of our own. After much careful research around varieties and trellising methods, we identified a selection of weird and wonderful varieties that would best suit our home here on the far south coast of NSW. The coming years will see us taking these vines out of their nursery plot and planted as our first vineyard.
Until then, we continue to explore and source the most thoughtfully grown and highest quality grapes we can from all over Southern NSW, always pushing for more sustainable, organic and regenerative practices.
Tumblong Hills, Gundagai
Located 160 kilometres southwest of Canberra, along the foothills of New South Wales’ picturesque Snowy Mountains, Gundagai is the historical crossing point of the Murrumbidgee River – and it is as rich with red volcanic soils as it is with Australian folklore.
Gundagai’s landscape is not only incredibly beautiful, but the nearby Snowy Mountains encourage cool evening breezes throughout the growing season, which helps preserve delicate, complex fruit characters, and the vibrant, ironstone-rich soil is ideal for producing elegant wine.
Murrumbateman, Canberra District
Our Murrumbateman vineyards are planted on northeast facing granite hillsides. Over the last few years, there have been significant plantings to both extend the range of varieties grown, as well as a diversity of clones to provide a greater depth to the palate of the wines. Under Will Bruce, the vineyard has been converted to organic management, with certification to follow in the coming years.
Griffith, Riverina
The warm Mediterranean climate of the Riverina delivers exceptional fruit for varieties such as Vermentino, Montepulciano and Nero d'Avola, as well as providing ideal conditions for organic viticulture.
In Griffith, we were lucky enough to cross paths with a few pioneering growers looking to premium production of Mediterranean varieties as the future for the region. The Valeri family is first and foremost of these, and we look forward to many years of collaboration.
Barmera, Riverland
Riverland initially had a huge draw for us because it's where Aristotelis & Anthoula first sourced grapes from in the box trade at Flemington markets. The mediterranean varieties are what kept us there.
Part of the immigrant experience means using whatever substitutes we can get our hands on. The same way, for example, Thai and other Asian food in Australia substitutes ingredients not grown here, we substitute native Greek varieties using what we can find in Australia.
It's the same immigrant experience everywhere, making a slice of home from what you've got.